T2020 Project Selection
Over the summer, the Getting There Together Coalition followed the Local Investment Team (LIT) corridor and project process closely, click here to download the Coalition’s LIT Executive Summary.
- Download the project & cost summary for Clackamas County
- Download the project & cost summary for Multnomah County
- Download the project & cost summary for Washington County
As the Task Force convenes in September and October to make recommendations on which projects on corridors to move forward, the Coalition understands there are still many important questions to be determined by the Metro Council that are necessary to inform final decisions, including the mechanism for funding; the amount of funding that will be invested in our communities; and questions around how programs and other transportation projects, including TriMet service enhancements, will overlap with T2020 corridors and projects. Taking these uncertainties into consideration, the coalition did want to provide our initial feedback on the direction and intent of the measure based on our coalition’s guiding principles:
- Making our streets safe and accessible for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds;
- Investing in new bus & MAX lines to help people get where they need to go;
- Ensuring that transportation investments are transparent and accountable to the community;
- Preventing mass displacement and restoring housing affordability; and
- Guaranteeing funding for programs and operations that increases access to transportation options.
The Coalition will continue to advocate for a multimodal transportation system that makes our streets safe and accessible for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, and we will only support projects that do not add additional roadways or widen existing roadways for increased vehicle capacity. We reflect the community’s desire and strong support for transit, and urge you to prioritize projects that ensure every corridor will include better bus service or be transit-ready as a result of T2020 investments. Additionally, it is essential that this measure includes coordination with regional programs and external investments: significant investments in anti-displacement and multi-family housing protection strategies; coordinated with service expansions in existing public transit; and including programs like fare affordability for all youth under 18, safe routes to school, and safe connections to destinations.
The measure must continue to be rooted in the Metro Council and Task Force values, prioritizing equity, safety, and clean transportation options, meaning it must benefit and not further harm low-income communities and communities of color, provide safe and reliable transportation options to people in the region who need it most, and bring forward clean transportation outcomes that ensure a reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled in the region.
Click here to read our 9-18-19 written comments to the T2020 Task Force.